Free Give Away

Subscribe to our newsletters and get a chance to win up to $150 gift certificate every 3 Month!

Program description:

In order to participate, just subscribe to our newsletter from this site. You may subscribe our news letter by just entering your email under "Mailing List" and click "Go" on the bottom of the left hand column or click here. Every quarter, we will pick a random winner from the pool of subscribers. The winner will receive a $150 gift certificate if he/she placed at least one order within the 3 months at the time of winning from Otherwise, he/she will receive a $50 gift certificate. The winner will be notified via email. 
There is no purchase necessary to participate.


Next Drawing Date: 12/1/2011

Please note: The gift certificate will be in electronic form and can ONLY be redeemed on The gift certificate can NOT be redeemed for cash. The gift certificate is NOT transferrable and can ONLY be received by the email address signed up for the newsletter. Blue Gauntlet reserves the right to change the terms of this promotion without notice.